A wide and perpetually growing class of addictive substances, designer drugs include so-called “bath salts,” certain synthetic opioids and the particularly infamous stimulant known as “flakka.” Made in clandestine labs, designer drugs are designed to mimic the effects of illicit substances while skirting drug laws and drug tests.
Bath salts are highly potent and unpredictable stimulants. They include the infamous flakka (alpha-PVP), a particularly nasty drug which can create intense hallucinations. Other designer drugs include U-47700 (“pinky”), a dangerous synthetic opioid recently made into a controlled substance in the US.
Designer drug abuse is highly dangerous. The substances involved have unpredictable effects on humans when ingested and can be extremely toxic. Worse, they’re often sold as other drugs in the club scene, resulting in unexpected overdoses. Professional detox for designer drug abuse is highly recommended.