Chemically known as MDMA, or 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine, ecstasy is a designer drug which combines the effects of hallucinogens and stimulants. Long associated with the rave, club and EDM scenes, ecstasy (also known as molly) produces feelings of energy, euphoria, and emotional openness.
So, what’s the problem?
First, there’s no quality control with designer drugs. That tab taken at a festival or club might be molly … or it might be a sugar pill, or worse, fentanyl. Second, ecstasy affects the body’s ability to regulate its temperature. In a hot club or outdoor field, you might develop heatstroke or water intoxication from drinking too much water to cool off.
It’s unclear if ecstasy abuse is addictive. However, substance abuse is more often about behaviors than it is a particular substance. Professional medical detox is a good first step in addressing ecstasy withdrawal and abuse.